He Was Arrested Driving Under the Influence of Drugs in San Diego?

Criminal defense attorney in San Diego

The best criminal defense attorney in San Diego for handling drugs. know the strategies to solve the case in your favor.

Just because a person was arrested for a driving under the influence offense does not mean they are guilty. The person does have rights.

Attorney The Car Crash Counselors affirms the rights of the person and does everything to win the case.

Driving under the influence of drugs

The crime of driving under the influence of drugs is when the driver has taken marijuana, methamphetamine, glass, cocaine, or medications (even alcohol) and is driving.

The Driver’s License A driver arrested for driving under the influence has limited time frames to contact the DMV regarding his or her driver’s license.

The effective defense to drive under the influence of drugs

The most effective legal defenses for driving under the influence are as follows.

  • The officer did not have permission to remove the blood test
  • Violation of the accused’s right to remain silent
  • Forced confession of the accused
  • The investigation of the case was not complete
  • Patrol video does not confirm a justification for stopping the driver
  • Video of the body camera attached to the police uniform does not provide proof of a crime


Video. If the California Highway Patrol (CHP) is involved, the CHP must have a recording of the driver before he or she is pulled over by the police.

The video can be very helpful in questioning why the police detained you, or why your detention was prolonged longer than necessary, or that the defendant performed well on field sobriety tests.

If the judge agrees that the police had no valid reason to stop or arrest you, the case can be dismissed.

Way of Driving. If the police did not observe any bad or irregular driving activity, this is very helpful in defending the case because the prosecution may not be able to prove that the driver was under the influence of drugs.

Sobriety tests.  Results of field sobriety tests can vary from person to person. Most experts agree that sobriety tests are not the most effective in assessing a person’s level of sobriety.

Police officers almost always claim that the person did not pass the field sobriety tests, but there are many ways the attorney can show that the person did pass the tests.


When San diego criminal defense attorney has the information about the defendant, police reports, witness statements, blood or breath test results, the attorney appears in court.

It is possible that the client does not have to appear before the judge. The attorney does all the work for the client.

The lawyer meets with the judge and the public prosecutor to reach an agreement , eliminate and reduce the charges , reduce the punishment , prevent consequences with immigration, and ensure that the client has a future without major obstacles.

For criminal cases that cannot be resolved before the judge, the attorney and his client have the right to a jury trial.

The client will obtain from the best criminal defense attorney an excellent knowledge of the law, the ability to make strategic decisions for their benefit, and the ability to reach a successful settlement before the judge. Call the attorney today.

For more information contact the best San Diego criminal defense attorney